UFOs, aliens and the Question of contact

I thought this film had many very interesting points.  It is a bit long and sometimes somewhat confusing but certainly leaves me questioning – what is all this UFO and alien phenomena about?  And if we are being manipulated by aliens, what on Earth is their agenda and is it something we can ever hope to understand through human reasoning?

Holographic Universe – glitches in the matrix and other strange sky phenomenon

I haven’t posted on here for months, so I thought today was as good a day as any.  I have taken a break from the mundane of the routine of every day life – kids, housework, me trying to get my head around A level English Language for a bit (Cough! Oh yeah let’s forget that I’m struggling with that simple task and just take a look at the fundamental principles of reality for a moment!) yeah!  And so I have been  looking at more weird stuff on Youtube – I know, I know, what’s new? – Well it is the idea that there is some kind of matrix or holographic illusion to do with the sky, the sun and the moon and in fact reality as a whole – what is all this stuff? So weird…  What are we to make of all of this information coming at us from all directions?  We are bombarded by conflicting views and principles from every corner of society.  From main stream education and institutional principles and data, which although appear to give the facts, it is often obvious even to the man on the street that they are not always correct, that the scientists themselves have conflicting views of principles or that they are not even reporting the truth at all – sometimes it is obvious, sometimes it is not and the differences can be quite subtle.  And then we are presented with so many different, what are often called pseudo scientific facts through the internet, which on the one hand look totally bizarre but on the other, appear to be actually not only entirely possible but probable.

So with all of this in mind I have put together a collection of videos that might appear to be completely ludicrous from the off – but – before you say it is all a load of rubbish and dismiss it.  Stop.  Watch it all and remember the people that are presenting these videos are just ordinary folk like you and me.  Why are they convinced something’s wrong?  It may be a hoax, yes that’s true.  But if it isn’t, what does that mean?  How could it be possible – is it possible?  Scientifically?  What is it we are actually talking about here – God?  Aliens? Photoshop?  Creative license gone mad?  Humour me!  Watch the kinds of videos that thousands of people are watching every day on Youtube and then  think about it.  Doesn’t it make you just a little bit curious about the actual nature of our true reality?  If not, go back to ironing your work uniform and watch the BBC news and Coronation Street and forget all about this weird X Files rubbish people, nothing to see here… LOL

Let’s start with the fact that we need to understand a bit of science – what is the mainstream physics, how the universe is reported by the scientists and  how the senses work in view of our understanding of reality?  That might help.  So the first video is a scientific view (warning – it’s complicated so you might want to start with the last video and work your way back to this one!) and the second video… well I thought this video was interesting (the beginning is science – later on in gets more intense as different religious and esoteric views are represented and mixed up with known scientific principles of reality and we are back to the rabbit hole again … and then the videos are supposed home movies of people recording actual weirdness, stuff that, if it is real, should blow reality out of the water and replace it with WTF?


First strange things people film and comment on is the sky.  Strange clouds that appear to have shadows?

And some people are adamant that this is real and now even alternative scripture i.e. the lost books of the bible are being offered up as proof of this stuff…

What’s up with the planes?  Planes freezing in mid air?  Planes that are cloaked?  Planes that aren’t even planes – people are saying they are alien spaceships disguising themselves as planes.  What?  And of course there are plenty of planes going down and disappearing and people on planes reporting UFO sightings – what IS going on?

Other strange effects to do with planes…

This plane doesn’t seem to have any doors or windows either!

The moon.  Is it real?  Has something happened to it?  Are there things about the moon that are being hidden from humanity?  It’s all very strange and there seems to be so much on the internet with regards to conspiracy theories and apocalyptic type theories etc.  Wow!  There are some far out theories out there.

The sun also has been targeted as having something wrong with it…

And then there are strange storms and clouds that exhibit weird effects, including some very odd sounds.  I have posted about the odd sounds in the sky before.  This is just one part of all this strange sky stuff posted on the internet…

and this one…

Let’s finish off with some suspect skies…

OK I know I covered a lot of videos there.  Lots and lots of the weird kinds of videos that you can come across on You Tube.  And once you start looking at these kinds of videos, more and more pop up.  So what do you think?  Do you think there is something weird going on or do you think people are just weird and are posting hoaxes all the time?  Or is there some reasonable explanations for some of this stuff?  I’d love to hear your views but please don’t shoot the messenger.  any really offensive replies will not be tolerated.  Thank you.

Coming soon – Twin Tower and 9/11 conspiracies…

Ancient Aliens – The Time Travellers

This episode of Ancient Aliens explores the concept of Time Travel and the historic clues that could point to evidence that either ancient aliens were indeed time travellers, or that ancient aliens were in fact human time travellers from our distant future travelling back to our own past.

Chualar Crop Circle December 2013

UPDATE as of 08/01/2014 – it appears this one might just have been debunked –


I said it looked like a circuit board didn’t I?  See below for my original thoughts…



OK I am posting this one. You know I love the crop circle phenomena. I was allerted to this one through a group I follow called Temple illuminatus –


This is a strange one. To me it looks like some sort of circuit board but also is rather reminiscent of a mandala.

So far there has been the suggestion that the dots in the centre are in fact braille, and if they are then they can be interpreted as the numbers 192. Apparently this is the atomic weight of the element iridium which is found in meteorites and is a superconductor or something – with an extremely high boiling point! “the most corrosion-resistant metal, even at temperatures as high as 2000 °C”. So if anyone has any views on that perhaps you could share.

I don’t know who is making these crop circles – nobody does – and I am not even saying that it isn’t people, but there are some very strange things around crop circles now. There are anomolies to do with electromagnetic fields, radiation, microwaves etc, balls or orbs of light are often seen at these sites. Electronic equipment is often affected, radiation levels are often high, people experience visions, dreams etc often thought to them to be messages. The whole crop circle phenomenon certainly has an affect on people, just the curiosity factor alone draws a great many people to see these things for themselves.

interpretations of the crop circle…

This report has a lot of detail in it – http://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=2158&category=Environment

Well there you go, the number 192 does seem farmiliar to me but I’m not sure why – might do a follow up on this story so check back.

Signs in the Sky 2013?!

413px-Leonid_Meteor_Storm_1833images (2)                      images (3)

For the past year or two I have noticed lots of posts, videos on You-tube and Facebook etc. of people seeing things in the sky that they don’t think belong there. There have been lots of debates about them being various signs of the end of the world! Ideas about what these things are from UFOs or approaching super alien light ships, a mysterious unknown planet often identified as Nabiru or a 2nd sun and even a world ending meteor hurtling towards us that will kill us all (although there always seems to be a meteor heading our way – there have been several over the past couple of years that were supposed to end the world and haven’t – just saying!) – and with all of these suggestions there is the idea that all the major governments know about such an Earth shattering, humanity altering cosmic event and are hiding it from us all, whilst the elite of the world, royalty and presidents and scientists and such are all ready to escape into huge underground cities until it all blows over and the rest of us poor folk perish on the Earth above. I am going to post a few of these examples and then leave it up to you. What do you think? Aliens, Nabiru, meteor, comet Ison, the 2nd coming, just satellites or something else?


This is just a snapshot, a few of the hundreds of such videos and posts on the internet that talk about UFOs, 2 suns, Meteors and extra planets in our solar system, the end of the world and such.  Just go yourself and have a little look on Youtube – why are there so many of these types of posts by often very ordinary people?  OK Granted some seem extremely nutty – some people think I’m pretty nutty! LOL Often though things are slipping into mainstream news, hinted at by scientists, government officials, people who are supposed to know what is going on with the world!  It is no wonder so many people become fearful, paranoid and frankly confused about all of this – What on earth IS going on?

Mermaids – 2013 Animal Planet’s New Evidence

OK So you may or may not know that I believe in the aquatic Ape theory –


well what about if after we had a period of adaptation to water living and then returning to land living, some of us didn’t return to land living and just continued to adapt to living in the ocean? Crazy idea? Well watch this video and see what you think! Please do take the time to watch it all the way through. There is some amazing footage, photos, thoughts about youtube videos – one of the comments is close to my heart – because there are soooo many youtube hoaxes now. How do we tell the real from fantasy? And this doesn’t just go for this story, this becomes an issue for any mystery – ghosts, UFOs, crop circles etc. I mean it is so easy to dismiss EVERYTHING in a blanket hoax. That though to me, is very insulting to those who are adamant they have seen, had experiences and captured evidence for such things.

So before you roll your eyes and say OMG not another weird hoaxy thing – watch with an open mind! And you know what? You might want to ask the question – why do official governments and their agencies take such time and effort to dismiss such claims? If it’s rubbish and fantasy why say anything at all??? Is there really a disinformation conspiracy? I mean that certainly is a good way to take the eye off of extremely important (humanity changing) discoveries that would impact our whole way of life as humans on this planet wouldn’t it? We would have to re-write our entire world history, philosophy, science etc. if even one of these mysterious phenomena were real – let alone if they all were!


Children of the Dawn – a poem – by Laura Crean

Children of the Dawn - a poem - by Laura Crean

I just wanted to take a moment to share a poem – this features at the beginning of my novel in the making – ‘Dawn’s Greeting’. Over on MARSocial’s New Poet’s group there is a poetry competition running with the theme of time that I am judging as last week’s winner. So if you write poetry and want to join the group – pop over and check it out.


Children of the Dawn

in Heaven
wherever that may be
in whatever form or reality
grant us a diversion from your continuity
give us all a little peace to savour your piety
and the sight of wisdom to travel your road with dignity.

Mother Earth so patient and tolerant of our sins
take away the chains of greed and give your children wings
to fly from our short-sightedness and plant the seeds of hope
may they blossom with love and charity and help lost souls to cope.

Children of the Dawn greet the day anew
absorb the bright sun’s energies and savour every view
Lend a helping hand to keep the stars from falling
to be the hands of destiny is your only calling.

Yours is the road less travelled
it is the road of time
help us now to plan our route
that leads to the

© Laura Crean 2011

The Complexity of Modern Crop Circles

Crop circles are more than just pretty pictures in fields – they are complex mathematical and geometric information with encoded ideas. whoever is making these whether alien or human are extremely intelligent and are trying to convey a message about the nature of our very existence and the hidden patterns of concepts like DNA and perhaps other things to do with quantum mechanics – what is it all about? Why go to so much trouble designing such complex images in fields and how on Earth can they be achieved in one night?

The effect that these amazing open air works of art have on people are quite profound. In the end it doesn’t really matter who made them – although their true makers and their motivations would be nice to know – what is important is how they make people feel and this in itself is quite a complex issue. You see much like a placebo, sometimes just being in the circles can make people feel better if they are ill (even when those particular circles are known to be man made). So there must be something in the actual geometry or the act of making the circles that somehow affect energies we know nothing about. Not only do they affect health and well-being in a physical and emotional way, they also have a spiritual component that can affect people to the point of influencing their spirituality, creativity and imagination and possibly even scientific understanding!

I am very interested in this phenomena and will continue to watch with interest anything crop circle related. I would love to see a real one one day and even possibly go into one myself. In the meantime I will continue to watch these videos with great interest and pass them on to you.

If you see a crop circle and would like to report it – you can do so here –




Crop Circle Controversy

I am going to be posting more crop circle videos in the future. This is a subject that absolutely fascinates me. There are many documentaries of this phenomenon, all made from different viewpoints and perspectives. Sometimes the documentaries are blatantly trying to debunk the paranormal views of crop circles’ possible origins and sometimes experts are brought in from all different areas of academia to explain their findings and give us their own unique observations and findings from a scientific standpoint.

There are also many ordinary (and not so ordinary people) who have theories, opinions, experiences etc. that are just plain out of this world, from aliens and UFOs to the devil and parallel dimensions and strange forces not yet understood. I for one love to hear all of the above and do not discount anything. That being said I will leave you to watch the first of my postings on the Crop Circle and World wide geoglyph phenomena.