Artificial Intelligence – The future is Nao!

I have been planning this post for a few days now.  And now all of a sudden robots are all over the news, so I shall post it now.  I wonder where artificial intelligence is going?  Is the future now?  How intelligent are robots going to get and what will they be doing?  Will they really take over the world or are they actually incredibly useful for doing those dull, dirty and dangerous jobs humans don’t want to or can’t physically do?  Will there ever come a time when we won’t be able to tell the difference between a human and an artificial robotic humanoid?  Take a look at some of the technology out there and make up your own minds.

Personal robots are here already and the Nao robot is small and cheap enough to be bought by schools and individuals to interact with and he can be personalised the more its owner interacts with it.

I suppose if you could teach the little robot to help with tidying the kids toys away, it could be pretty useful!

Nao seems to have a thing for socks!

Eh! Is that Nao becoming self aware?

What’s that – we shouldn’t be worried?  Or should we?

Next we have Asimo.  Asimo is quite a cute robot, he is very mobile and can be in service of some kind, serving drinks, playing with children and moving things around.  And you think unemployment is bad now?

This clever little fellow is called iCub


So exactly how human are these new androids going to be?  Will they look and sound like us?  Will they be able to answer our questions, converse with us about emotive subjects like love or the nature of the soul?  Will they believe they are alive and have souls themselves???

Here are a few snippets from Jules, a very realistic looking robot…

This robot is going to keep people warm and safe in his people zoo!  Say what now?

One last thought – once AI is released from its box so to speak, will it just run away from us?  Some people, some rather rich and influential people think it may…


UFOs, aliens and the Question of contact

I thought this film had many very interesting points.  It is a bit long and sometimes somewhat confusing but certainly leaves me questioning – what is all this UFO and alien phenomena about?  And if we are being manipulated by aliens, what on Earth is their agenda and is it something we can ever hope to understand through human reasoning?

Alien Agendas???


OK, so today I found a message on one of my sites inviting me to read this piece on Alien Agendas and to sign a petition.  I will post the link to the original post, so you can read all the comments after it.  I also commented and I will post my comment and then the article.  Be warned though – this is a topic that requires a lot of thought and discussion.

My response to the piece…

Oh if it were only that simple! Alien Agendas? I am more inclined to ask about Human Agendas? We will never be fully aware of what is really going on because humanity is greedy, power crazed and bloody complicated. Our own psychologies make no sense most of the time. Everybody’s motivations are different and those motivations are grown from personal experience, which takes on many forms. In essence – who’s view of reality do we run with? Yours? Mine? Throw aliens and Time Travel into the mix and what do we have? Endless possibilities, a myriad of outcomes, a thousand and one realities and the man on the street just doesn’t have a say, how ever hard we might wish for it and run our little blog pieces and publish our books on the subjects with the ‘evidence’ we think we have gathered in truth and integrity. At the end of the day, I think we (humanity AND the aliens) are all lost to chance, circumstance, cause and effect – which can be skewed by the slightest ripple. Sure I’ll sign your petition, who knows, it may make a difference, but who in the end is going to make the big changes that are needed to set humanity and it’s place in the grand scheme of things on the right path? You? Me? The government? Which government? What leader/s has the power to change the hearts and minds of every living man, woman and child on the planet? And if there are Alien intelligences out there who are interfering with our already fragile time-line/s who would we trust? How on Earth, or not, would we know anything about an alien psychology, philosophy, i.e their motivations and agendas? Do they tell the truth? Do they lie? Do they manipulate other species for their own ends? I don’t know do you? How could you know? Whatever we think we might know is just another narrative, a story, a possibility. so how can we ever be sure that trusting an alien intelligence is the right thing to do? Especially considering that most people on the planet don’t even trust their own government or their own neighbours come to that! I suppose it comes down to that very dubious state of being that can be summed up in one of two words – trust and faith – two very dangerous words indeed!

The Petition…


Our History in 2 minutes

This is the most incredibly powerful presentation from a 17 year old student called Joe Bush for a class project. The music is by Zack Hemsey and is from the film Inception. When a cousin of mine emailed this I watched it 4 times in a row and then showed it to my kids. I could not pass up the opportunity to share this here on Time Travellers United. Enjoy!

Ode to the Brain – Symphony of Science

My second video in my Symphony of Science tribute is the Ode to the Brain. I studied psychology for a while so this is a subject that still intrigues me and this wonderful musical tribute to the brain has all the info you need to tell you about the brain in a nutshell – enjoy.

Former Defense Minister of Canada talks about Alien presence on Earth

A Former Defense Minister of Canada, Paul Hellyer talks about an Alien presence on Earth and what we need to do about it. He speaks very calmly and matter-of-factly in this interview about the subject and basically talks about how worried alien species’ are with our behaviour as bad stewards of the planet Earth and how we need to clean up our act. He says we need to stop fighting, start feeding the poor and housing the homeless and cleaning up the air and water – sure – nothing new there, we all know we need to do it! But it don’t get done now does it?

He also says they won’t help us unless we invite them! Well – who has to invite them? Are they waiting for the President of the USA or the Prime Minister of the UK or what? Come and help us out already – we’re dying here!!! Land en masse and ask the people of the planet if we want your help – don’t wait for the bloody governments they’re only interested in their own power games controlling the people! We need rescuing from them! LOL – So if you are out there aliens wherever you are from and you are waiting for an invitation to come and help us clean up our act – I’m inviting you? Anyone else think it’s a good idea? Come on down and feed the hungry and clean up our air and water for us please and then give us a push in the right direction – or have you done that already in history? Didn’t work huh? Oh well that’s what you get for giving men power – it goes to their heads! Give them technology and they just make bombs to blow each other up with! They’re like naughty little children who just got hold of a match for the first time. You have to say “Now, now children it isn’t a weapon it’s a tool – it is for creating energy to live not a weapon to kill! Duh!”

The Future of the Mind (How far COULD we go?)

So how far COULD we go with brain related technologies? Will we be using synthetic telepathy to communicate in the future? Will we be hacking people’s thoughts, memories or even dreams? Perhaps we would be able to change the mind of another or upload information to make them smarter, gaining skills required for a particular job perhaps. There are so many possibilities – but is it just Science-Fiction or will our future be full of new brain/computer interfaces?


This would be useful NOW for my research for ‘Birthmark’ – oh well I’ll have to read it when I’m doing the second draught – when NaNoWriMo is over – not that I will finish the story by then – I’ve lost the plot already LOL

Come on people – read and comment – I need motivation – why should I bother writing it if nobody is going to bother reading it?  Talk to me – I’m waiting for your digital input…


National Geographic Alien Invasion and Ender’s Game – how do we envision an alien first Contact?

So aliens could come to the Earth at any time and make themselves known to the population. How do we envision a First Contact scenario? They could be nice, friendly advanced scientist types who just want to share their technology and knowledge with us – or – they could be a warring species bent on destruction, happy to invade, destroy and take over the planet! Science-fiction? Well yes and no! Of course we can describe such an event in any amount of different fictional scenarios – however – those in authority are well aware of the possibility of such an event and they have played out every possible scenario they can think of and tried to be ready? This documentary plays out the official thoughts on this possible event. But could we really ever be truly ready? Could we really think up every possible scenario? I mean since we don’t know how aliens think or if they even do think like us, how could we ever really prepare for such an event or know whether their intentions were indeed hostile at all? We could misinterpret their actions and retaliate unnecessarily, inadvertently starting an intergalactic war ourselves! I am looking forward to going to see the newest Science-Fiction film ‘Ender’s Game’ as I have read the books and this topic is obviously going to start to circulate once the film hits the big screens and people start discussing how alien alien’s intentions might be! I think with this in mind, watching this documentary is a must!

Another interesting scenario to consider is Panspermia –

Stephen Hawking’s take on Aliens –