My latest Time Travelling project…

My latest Time Travelling  project...

Silly me! Forget to tell my fellow Time Travellers about my latest Time Travelling project.

So anyway – you lot already know how crazy I am about all things Time and Space related right? If you didn’t – well what do you think I’m doing posting all this Time and Space stuff for? Duh!

Yep! My head is full of all this wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff – yes I know that’s not mine! (rolls eyes) – now I may not have stared into the TARDIS’ Time Vortex but I can weave a wild web of winding Time related words into a story or two! Try saying that while whistling and drinking something alcoholicly mind numbing – no DON’T go and try it on my account thank you very much – you are responsible for your own sobriety! And no! I am not drinking anything at the moment either!

It is National Novel Writing Month and apparently a lot of authors decide to do something really, really stupid – sorry – I mean clever – write a novel. Yes a whole novel in just one month!!!! Well they all try but I shouldn’t think many people finish this marathon of a writing quest but I am going to give it a go! I know! Mad – I mean Clever or what????

So it is day 9 of this amazing feat and I am already seriously lagging behind…but I’m giving it a good go and you guessed it – my novel involves Time Travel!!! Yay! I always knew I would eventually travel in time – and through my character Chaser Switch – I can!!!

So please go over to Wattpad and have a read, vote, comment, motivate me, kick me up the behind, poke me with stick, tickle me with a…eh…tickling stick…whatever you feel you can to get me to FINISH it. 😀

Thanks guys in advance for your awesome support – just click the book cover to take you to the page on Wattpad.

I’m tagging all you science geeks as well as the sci-fi fans cos I watch the Big Bang Theory – and I know you all watch it too…

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Children of the Dawn – a poem – by Laura Crean

Children of the Dawn - a poem - by Laura Crean

I just wanted to take a moment to share a poem – this features at the beginning of my novel in the making – ‘Dawn’s Greeting’. Over on MARSocial’s New Poet’s group there is a poetry competition running with the theme of time that I am judging as last week’s winner. So if you write poetry and want to join the group – pop over and check it out.

Children of the Dawn

in Heaven
wherever that may be
in whatever form or reality
grant us a diversion from your continuity
give us all a little peace to savour your piety
and the sight of wisdom to travel your road with dignity.

Mother Earth so patient and tolerant of our sins
take away the chains of greed and give your children wings
to fly from our short-sightedness and plant the seeds of hope
may they blossom with love and charity and help lost souls to cope.

Children of the Dawn greet the day anew
absorb the bright sun’s energies and savour every view
Lend a helping hand to keep the stars from falling
to be the hands of destiny is your only calling.

Yours is the road less travelled
it is the road of time
help us now to plan our route
that leads to the

© Laura Crean 2011