Something different – a book review of “Encounter in Rendlesham Forest”.

A good documentation of the history of the UFO phenomenon leading up to Rendlesham Forest,

but it lacked substance! – 4 out of 5 stars

I thought this was a very well researched, organised and written book. I was especially impressed with the research of historic UFO cases and the official documentary evidence. I think the Rendlesham case is a particularly interesting one, especially because of the rank and professional status of those involved. I also think the evidence was very fairly looked at by Nick Pope and the overall linking to the UFO phenomenon and how officialdom has treated this subject was carefully covered. I was however a little disappointed with how little of the actual Rendlesham incident itself was covered in the book, and felt that it was more of a documentation of the history of the UFO phenomenon itself according to Mr.Pope, which although very interesting, did not really focus on the case per se.

I would have liked to have seen more from other witnesses that were at the bases over the time in question. I would have liked to have heard about the evidence and what was discovered; the transcript of the tape was included of the investigation in the woods, but not the conclusions of what they found, the readings of radiation, the effects on the plants and wildlife, damage to the area etc. Also the relevance of the nuclear facilities at the bases! I am also very interested in the binary code – I think more should have been discussed about this.

However it is a very important book to read if you are seriously interested in the UFO phenomenon as it does cover a lot of very serious points about how governments and the various military and official agencies treat the phenomenon as a whole. I hope this book will lead to a more open discussion by the British and American governments on this subject and that society will see how much deception and covert manipulation of evidence there is.

Lizards and Cupcakes


Lizards and cupcakes on my mind

David Icke and reptilians,

visions of government officials and royal elite

hacking the brains of humanity.

Greed and power, control and deceit,

hiding behind plastic smiles and celebrity.

Is he insane that football figure

who preaches of the aliens within,

or is it all so scarily close to the truth,

that we are blind and worshipping the wrong gods?

Another celebrity now spouts his guru words to the world,

like John the Baptist in leather trousers –

Russell Brand a rock star comedy intellectual in disguise.

The World’s gone mad and I am hooked on all of it!

At least the cupcakes are still delicious

and the icing covers up a multitude of sins…

© 2013 Laura Crean

UFOs – What’s in a name?


In the UFO Digest today ( ) Nick Pope, Imagewho ran the British Government’s UFO project from 1991-1994 asks a very important question of his readers in the UFO Community – “What’s in a name?”  In this article he discusses how language plays an incredibly important part in the modern UFO phenomena.  To me, this article represents a lot more than a questioning of how we as a society view UFOs and how the government plays on these views.  It also demonstrates just how fundamental language is to our whole view of reality!  He could equally have asked “What’s in a thought?”  or “What’s in a dream?”  because the way we express ourselves through our social interactions within our wider community shapes the global consciousness.  It moulds our morality and it dictates humanity’s footprint on the Earth.

Nick says: “We were stuck with “UFO” for a long time – and still are, for the most part. The problem with this is that in pop culture, the term “UFO” has become synonymous with “alien spacecraft”, leading to nonsensical questions such as “Do you believe in UFOs?”, when what people actually mean is “Do you believe that some UFOs are extraterrestrial vehicles”?”


I would recommend you read the article because even if you don’t believe in “UFOs” whatever UFOs are, you surely believe the world is just as you thought it has always has been – don’t you?  I mean we “know” what reality is – don’t we?

I wonder – Is the word “UFO” just seen as a joke that leaves everyone humming the kid’s song  ” 5 little men in a flying saucer…”?


What about “Foo Fighters?”  Have you ever heard of them?  (and no I don’t mean the band!) or the term “unidentified aerial phenomena”?  Does that sound more “real” – more down to Earth?  Do those terms leave you imaging little green men or do they seem like the sort of “normal” terms an academic might write about or investigate?  What about “Swamp Gas” or “Bigfoot” or “The Loch Ness Monster”?  OK Let me put it this way – do you believe in the “Giant Panda”?  or the “Dodo bird”?  or “Atlantis”?

What’s that you say – strange combination!  Is it?  Most people thought Giant Pandas were mythical creatures before they were actually discovered hiding out in the remote chinese mountains in the 1800s.  A French missionary buried the myth when he sent a specimen of a Giant Panda skin to Europe and scientists had to admit that they were indeed real animals.  And I asked my 16 year old if she knew what a Dodo was and she said “Isn’t it like the Phoenix?”


What about “Atlantis”?  How many people immediately think of the myth described by Plato?  Or if you are one of my teenagers – maybe you just think of the Disney film?  I think of lost civilizations whose ancient ruins are being found every day all around the globe in hard to reach places, like Antarctica or in the depths of the Pacific ocean or Göbekli Tepe,  an archaeological site at the top of a mountain ridge in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey.  Atlantis to me will be a discovery like that – or maybe it won’t, maybe it will be an alien base sunken in the Bermuda Triangle!  Who is that giggling at the back of the room?  –  The fact is that words create ideas and then cultures and those cultures with their ingrained ideas and accepted beliefs become the norm.  They become our “reality”  – words are powerful things indeed!  UFOs?  There can’t be such things flying around the globe because the Earth is flat isn’t it?



Mermaids – 2013 Animal Planet’s New Evidence

OK So you may or may not know that I believe in the aquatic Ape theory –

well what about if after we had a period of adaptation to water living and then returning to land living, some of us didn’t return to land living and just continued to adapt to living in the ocean? Crazy idea? Well watch this video and see what you think! Please do take the time to watch it all the way through. There is some amazing footage, photos, thoughts about youtube videos – one of the comments is close to my heart – because there are soooo many youtube hoaxes now. How do we tell the real from fantasy? And this doesn’t just go for this story, this becomes an issue for any mystery – ghosts, UFOs, crop circles etc. I mean it is so easy to dismiss EVERYTHING in a blanket hoax. That though to me, is very insulting to those who are adamant they have seen, had experiences and captured evidence for such things.

So before you roll your eyes and say OMG not another weird hoaxy thing – watch with an open mind! And you know what? You might want to ask the question – why do official governments and their agencies take such time and effort to dismiss such claims? If it’s rubbish and fantasy why say anything at all??? Is there really a disinformation conspiracy? I mean that certainly is a good way to take the eye off of extremely important (humanity changing) discoveries that would impact our whole way of life as humans on this planet wouldn’t it? We would have to re-write our entire world history, philosophy, science etc. if even one of these mysterious phenomena were real – let alone if they all were!

The Complexity of Modern Crop Circles

Crop circles are more than just pretty pictures in fields – they are complex mathematical and geometric information with encoded ideas. whoever is making these whether alien or human are extremely intelligent and are trying to convey a message about the nature of our very existence and the hidden patterns of concepts like DNA and perhaps other things to do with quantum mechanics – what is it all about? Why go to so much trouble designing such complex images in fields and how on Earth can they be achieved in one night?

The effect that these amazing open air works of art have on people are quite profound. In the end it doesn’t really matter who made them – although their true makers and their motivations would be nice to know – what is important is how they make people feel and this in itself is quite a complex issue. You see much like a placebo, sometimes just being in the circles can make people feel better if they are ill (even when those particular circles are known to be man made). So there must be something in the actual geometry or the act of making the circles that somehow affect energies we know nothing about. Not only do they affect health and well-being in a physical and emotional way, they also have a spiritual component that can affect people to the point of influencing their spirituality, creativity and imagination and possibly even scientific understanding!

I am very interested in this phenomena and will continue to watch with interest anything crop circle related. I would love to see a real one one day and even possibly go into one myself. In the meantime I will continue to watch these videos with great interest and pass them on to you.

If you see a crop circle and would like to report it – you can do so here –

CAVES 2012 debriefing

Astronauts training in the extreme environments of a vast cavern network 2012. I am fascinated by this project and I wonder – how many astronauts to we have in operation at the present and what are they all doing? How much money is the world spending on exploring space when there are so many people dying in poverty back on the Earth? Are we really being told everything that is happening in the various space programs that are currently running?

A Time Traveller meets himself in the future and records it on his phone!

This is another very intriguing Time Traveller story. This guy finds a portal to the future accidentally and meets himself – the two of him hang out together for a bit, have a great old time and then he comes home! And he gets it on video!!!??? Cool huh! Personally I don’t even think it looks like him but who knows – could be his Dad I suppose!